The St. Bernard Parish Library strives to provide free and equal library services to all patrons. The Library adopts in full the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which states, “A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or views.” To ensure the comfort and the protection of all Library patrons, however, and to prevent the use of the Library from becoming inconvenient or disruptive to the majority of users, the Library has adopted the following additional policy:
ENVIRONMENT – help protect the health and safety of others and library property.
- The Library is a smoke-free environment.
- Food items are NOT allowed library. Covered beverages are allowed.
- Solicitation is prohibited unless authorized by the library in advance. This includes the selling of anything either for personal gain or for a charity. Begging, panhandling, or circulating petitions is also prohibited.
- Walk. Running can be dangerous and/or disruptive.
- Loitering is prohibited and defined as remaining or wandering in a public place without any discernible legitimate reason.
- Sleeping on library premises is prohibited.
- A person intoxicated or under the influence of drugs/chemicals is not allowed on library premises.
- Animals are not allowed in the library unless part of a library sponsored activity or serving as an aide for persons with disabilities.
- Clothing must be worn in an appropriate manner, including shirt and shoes.
RESPECT YOURSELF, OTHERS, & THE LIBRARY – treat others as you wish to be treated.
- Disruptive and/or disorderly conduct is prohibited and defined as any behavior that interferes with the normal functioning of the library (i.e. loud talking or laughing, the loud/excessive use of cell phones or other electronic devices, fighting, throwing objects, boisterous behavior, skateboarding, etc.).
- Harassment of other patrons or staff is forbidden and defined as unwanted attention perceived as intimidating, demeaning, or bothersome.
- Language, clothing, body odor, etc. that is offensive to other patrons or staff is prohibited, as is the use of obscene language, behavior, or gestures. The definition of obscene is: offensive to modesty or decency; lewd; disgusting; filthy; and or repulsive. Obscene can be defined as language, behavior, dress, or gestures which convey a sexually explicit message or describe intimate bodily function in a coarse or crude manner. Any form of sexual misconduct, including exposure, offensive touching, or sexual harassment of patrons or staff is strictly prohibited.
- Mutilating, destroying, and/or defacing library materials, equipment, or property is forbidden.
- Restrooms are a shared space. Misuse (i.e. shaving, bathing, smoking, stealing, etc.) is prohibited.
- The library reserves the right to inspect any parcels, bags, etc., that are carried into or out of the library.
- Any illegal behavior is prohibited and staff is directed to call Law Enforcement to handle the situation.
Repeat offenders may be banned from the premises. Returning without prior permission opens up offenders to prosecution for trespassing. Patrons banned may appeal to the Library Board.