Library Cards
Initial library card…. FREE
Replacement card (Lost or stolen without police report)… $5
Overdue Items
10 cents per day, maximum charge is $5 per item.
The library does not assess fines for the days that the library is closed.
Damaged Items
Items that are wet, written in, barcode removed, or otherwise damaged will be assessed a fine by the the library staff according to the amount of damage. The maximum fee that could be incurred is the cost of the item plus a $7.50 processing fee.
Photocopying and Computer Printing
- Black & White…. 10 cents per page
- Color… 50 cents per page
- Printing on both sides counts as 2 pages
FAXing or Scanning pages to email
- 10 cents per page, plus…
- $1 processing fee
- FAXing also adds 10 cents to print the confirmation page